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Generally speaking, always use products that are safe for children & the environment. Traditional products often contain irritants that can trigger allergic reactions, if you don’t know what a particular ingredient is (or can’t pronounce the word!) chances are it is hazardous. Look for eco-friendly labels. For even safer and cost-efficient techniques, here are some practical tips for cleaning specific areas:

Multi-Purpose Green Cleaning Essentials

Cost effective mainstays for green cleaning include baking soda, white vinegar and liquid castile soap. They can be used separately or in combination; applied individually or combined in a spray bottle, depending on the task at hand. Castile soap is versatile and biodegradable and is listed on the David Suzuki Foundation site as made of plant oils and free of artificial foaming agents and harsh cleansers.

Bathroom Cleaner

Sprinkle baking soda on tub, sink or porcelain surface and rub with a wet rag. Add a little Liquid Castile soap to the rag for more cleaning power. Rinse well to avoid leaving a hazy film.

Window and Mirror Cleaning

Add ¼ cup of white vinegar to a spray bottle and fill the rest of it with water, then shake. Use crumpled up newspaper instead of a paper towel to conserve and for less streaking! For outside windows, a sponge with warm water and a few drops of liquid castile soap will do the trick – rinse well and squeegee dry.

Oven Cleaner

Mix one cup of banking soda with enough water to make a paste. Apply to all oven surfaces and let stand for 15 minutes. Apply a microfiber cloth and scrub. A spatula or bread knife can be used for getting under large food deposits. This recipe may require a little more effort but will pose no risk to you or your children. Do not use this on self-cleaning ovens, however.

Cat Urine

Vinegar and baking soda works like a charm, and will get rid of the smell, too!

Linoleum, Woodwork or Tile Cleaning

Add ½ cup vinegar to a bucket of warm water for mopping. The smell of vinegar will dissipate shortly after the floor dries. For more stubborn jobs, simply add a few drops of castile soap to a wet washcloth and rub briskly. A rinse might be necessary to avoid streaking.

Drain Cleaner

To free minor clogs and prevent future ones, pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain, wait a moment, then add ½ cup of white vinegar. Allow to fizz for a few minutes, then pour a tea kettle of boiling water down. Repeat if needed.

Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Sprinkle baking soda inside the bowl just as you would any scouring powder. Add a couple of drops of castile soap and scrub. Finish outside surfaces with a damp cloth or paper towel sprinkled in baking soda or a little vinegar.

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